The Third Republican Presidential Debate of 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis

The Third Republican Presidential Debate of 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis

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The Third Republican Presidential Debate of 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis

The third Republican presidential debate of 2023 was held on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, in Miami, Florida. The five candidates who participated in the debate were:

  • Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida
  • Nikki Haley, the former Governor of South Carolina and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
  • Tim Scott, the U.S. Senator from South Carolina
  • Mike Pence, the former Vice President of the United States
  • Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy is an American entrepreneur

The debate was moderated by Bret Baier of Fox News, and it was divided into six segments:

  • Foreign Policy
  • Domestic Policy
  • Economy
  • Social Issues
  • Leadership
  • Closing Statements

Foreign Policy

The first segment of the debate focused on foreign policy. The candidates were asked about their views on a variety of issues, including the war in Ukraine, the relationship with China, and the future of NATO.

On Ukraine, all five candidates expressed support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. However, they differed on the level of support they would provide. DeSantis pledged not to send U.S. troops to Ukraine, while Haley said she would be willing to do so if necessary.

On China, all five candidates also expressed support for a tough stance against China. However, they again differed on the specifics. DeSantis called for increased military spending to deter Chinese aggression, while Haley called for an end to all formal trade relations with China until it stops exporting fentanyl to the United States.

On NATO, all five candidates expressed support for the alliance. However, Trump said that he would only support NATO if other members paid their fair share.

Domestic Policy

The second segment of the debate focused on domestic policy. The candidates were asked about their views on a variety of issues, including the economy, inflation, and crime.

On the economy, all five candidates agreed that the economy is in shambles, and they pledged to take steps to reduce inflation and boost economic growth. However, they differed on the specific policies they would pursue. DeSantis called for tax cuts and deregulation, while Haley called for increased spending on infrastructure and education.

On inflation, all five candidates said that it is a top priority of theirs. DeSantis said that he would fight inflation by reducing government spending and cutting taxes. Haley said that she would fight inflation by increasing energy production and reducing regulations.

On crime, all five candidates said that it is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. DeSantis said that he would crack down on crime by increasing police funding and imposing harsher penalties on criminals. Haley said that she would fight crime by addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and lack of opportunity.


The third segment of the debate focused on the economy. The candidates were asked about their views on a variety of issues, including the tax code, trade, and regulation.

On the tax code, all five candidates said that they would reform the tax code to make it simpler and more fair. DeSantis said that he would cut taxes for middle-class families and businesses. Haley said that she would eliminate the capital gains tax and reduce the corporate tax rate.

On trade, all five candidates said that they would support free and fair trade. However, they differed on how to deal with countries that engage in unfair trade practices. DeSantis said that he would impose tariffs on goods from countries that cheat on trade. Haley said that she would renegotiate trade deals to ensure that the United States gets a fair deal.

On regulation, all five candidates said that they would reduce unnecessary regulations. However, they differed on how much regulation they would reduce. DeSantis said that he would eliminate most regulations on businesses. Haley said that she would reduce regulations without sacrificing safety or the environment.

Social Issues

The fourth segment of the debate focused on social issues. The candidates were asked about their views on a variety of issues, including abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgender rights.

On abortion, all five candidates said that they are opposed to abortion. However, they differed on how to deal with the issue. DeSantis said that he would support a federal ban on abortion. Haley said that she would work to ban late-term abortions and provide support for mothers.

On same-sex marriage, all five candidates said that they support traditional marriage. However, they differed on whether same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. DeSantis said that he opposes same-sex adoption. Haley said that she supports same-sex adoption on a case-by-case basis.

On transgender rights, all five candidates said that they oppose transgender athletes competing in girls’ sports. However, they differed on whether transgender people shouldsharemore_vertadd_photo_alternate

In brief key points from the third Republican presidential debate in 2023:

Foreign policy

  • Ukraine: All five candidates expressed support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, but they differed on the level of support they would provide. DeSantis pledged not to send U.S. troops to Ukraine, while Haley said she would be willing to do so if necessary.
  • China: All five candidates also expressed support for a tough stance against China, but they again differed on the specifics. DeSantis called for increased military spending to deter Chinese aggression, while Haley called for an end to all formal trade relations with China until it stops exporting fentanyl to the United States.
  • Israel: All five candidates expressed strong support for Israel, and they criticized the Biden administration for its handling of the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Domestic policy

  • Economy: All five candidates agreed that the economy is in shambles, and they pledged to take steps to reduce inflation and boost economic growth. However, they differed on the specific policies they would pursue. DeSantis called for tax cuts and deregulation, while Haley called for increased spending on infrastructure and education.
  • Abortion: The candidates were also asked about their views on abortion, following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. DeSantis and Scott both said they would support a federal ban on abortion, while Haley said she would work to ban late-term abortions and provide support for mothers.
  • Social Security: The candidates were also asked about their plans for Social Security, which is facing a long-term funding shortfall. DeSantis and Scott both said they would raise the retirement age, while Haley said she would work to make Social Security solvent without cutting benefits.
Presidential Debate: The second Republican debate key points.

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