10 US presidents who are widely considered to be history changers

10.   Johnson was the 36th president of the United States and succeeded Kennedy after his assassination. He is best known for his Great Society programs, which expanded social welfare programs and civil rights protections for African Americans

Lyndon B. Johnson   (1963-1969)  

9. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States and a leading figure in the  Cold War. He is known for his Cuban Missile Crisis management, his Peace Corps program, and his civil rights initiatives.

John F. Kennedy  (1961-1963) 

8. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States and succeeded Roosevelt after his death. He is best known for his decision to drop atomic bombs on  Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which helped to end World War II. He also played a  key role in the establishment of the Marshall Plan, which helped to rebuild Europe after the war.

Harry S. Truman  (1945-1953) 

1. Roosevelt  was the 32nd president of the United States and led the country through the Great Depression and World War II. He is known for his New Deal programs, which helped to bring the country out of the Depression, and for      his leadership during the war.

Franklin D. Roosevelt  (1933-1945)  

6. Wilson was the 28th president of the United States and led the country through      World War I. He is known for his Fourteen Points, a plan for peace after the war, and for his role in the creation of the League of Nations.

Woodrow Wilson  (1913-1921)  

5. Roosevelt was the 26th president of the United States and a leading figure in the  Progressive Era. He is known for his trust-busting policies,  his conservation efforts, and his role in the building of the Panama Canal.

Theodore Roosevelt  (1901-1909)  

4.Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and led the country through the Civil War. He is best known for the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in the Confederate states, and for the Gettysburg Address, one of the most famous speeches in American history.

Abraham Lincoln  (1861-1865)  

3 .Jackson  was the seventh president of the United States and the first president rom the Democratic Party. He is known for his populist policies, his  support for the expansion of slavery, and his role in the Indian Removal   Act.

Andrew Jackson  (1829-1837)  

2.Jefferson was the third president of the United States and a leading figure in the Democratic-Republican Party. He is best known for the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the country, and for the Declaration of Independence, which he wrote while serving as a member of the Second Continental Congress.

Thomas Jefferson  (1801-1809) 

1. Washington was the first president of the United States and set the precedent for the office. He helped to establish the federal government and many of the institutions that are still in place today. He also led the country through the Whiskey Rebellion, the first major test of the federal government's authority.

George Washington  (1789-1797)  

Israel-Palestine conflict key reason  
